LE MAGIC CLOSE-UP : Une forme de spectacle Interactive, Intriguante, Drôle et Magique

C’est une forme très efficace d’intervention ludique entraînant un fort IMPACT sur le public, avec :
– le « PLUS » de l’effet « d’accroche » de la Magie,
– une grande convivialité
– une forte flexibilité.

Close-up signifie “gros plan”. C’est une forme de magie effectuée de très près et abolissant la distance entre le public et l’artiste.

Le Stand-up est encore plus flexible et remplace de plus en plus le Close-up en permettant à la fois de combiner une approche de proximité adaptée à public réduit et une attraction plus élargie couvrant un grand nombre de spectateurs.

Un ou plusieurs intervenants circulent parmi les participants, de groupe(s) en groupe(s), et réalisent une prestation magique percutante avec des objets usuels et le plus souvent empruntés (bague, montre, billet, couverts, verre, cartes) ou adaptés à la manifestation (Voir close-up thématique). Cette prestation allie le magique, l’imprévu, le rire, l’humour et favorise la détente et la communication entre participants. La “souplesse” et la flexibilité de cette formule permet de s’adapter totalement aux circonstances du moment (allocution, cocktail, banquet, fête, congrès, salon etc……).

The CLOSE-UP: A show that is Intriguing, Made to measure, Adaptable, Interactive and Funny !

Close-up Magic is magic performed very close to. Stand up magic allows to perform both very close to and for larger number of people. Close-up and Stand-up shrink the distance between the audience and the magician. One or several performers move around among the audience from group to group and put on a powerfully mystifying show, using everyday objects borrowed from the audience (rings, watches, table napkins, glasses etc.) or objects that focus the attention on the show (see Theme focused Magic). This combines the magical, the unexpected, laughter, humour, and encourages relaxation and communication among the audience. The flexibility of this formula means it can be customised to suit the occasion (speech, cocktail party, banquet, party, congress etc.).

“Close-up” is of course a term from the cinema. Close-up and Stand-up Magic shrink the distance between the audience and the artist. This means magic tricks can be done using everyday objects, usually borrowed from members of the audience (rings, watches, tickets, bank notes), or that focus attention on the event organizers. Stand-up Magic (all the tricks are done without the support of any table or pedestal) is a form of close-up magic that can boost the impact of the tricks, if need be for several tables or a group of more than 10 people.

This show combines magic, comedy, laughter and humour, and involves active participation by the audience. This helps members of the audience to make friends. In practice, one or several performers move around among the guests (e.g. at a cocktail party) or from table to table, and put on a powerful magic show of a duration (30 seconds to 5 minutes) that suits the moment (availability of the guests / participants, other shows, speeches, concerts). The show is repeated from group to group or table to table, and this allows guests to see a lot of different tricks.

This type of show has the advantage of being very flexible and requires no lengthy preparation. Another plus is that the show is sufficiently flexible to fit in with the constraints of the catering service. For example, the magician will focus on a table waiting for the next dish, or will move on rapidly to allow the service of a hot dish (promising to come back later). This type of show is widespread in Canada and the USA.

Magic tricks can be adapted and focused on different themes (medical, industrial, pharmaceutical, etc.), and this means the show can be customized and thus have more punch, more originality and more impact.